The Bulletin of the Center for Special Needs Education Research and Practice Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University
Issue 13
Date of Issue:2015-03
current number
ISSN : 1883-5406
Publisher : The Center for Special Needs Education Research and Practice, Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University
An Analysis of the Social Studies Textbooks for Special Needs Schools “Useful for Everyday Living” (I) : Contents of Geography : A Study of Learning Difficulties Part 2 <Original Article>
Wakahara Takashi Wan Biao Yokoyama Chinatsu Watanabe Takumi Nomi Kazuyoshi Okada Ryosuke Ikeno Norio
PP. 11 - 25
An Analysis of the Social Studies Textbooks for Special Needs Schools “Useful for Everyday Living” (II) : Contents of History : A Study of Learning Difficulties Part 3 <Original Article>
Yokoyama chinatsu Watanabe Takumi Nomi Kazuyoshi Okada Ryosuke Wakahara Takashi Wan Biao Ikeno Norio
PP. 27 - 39
A Survey on the Contents of “Autonomous Activities” (Jiritsu-Katsudo) in the Japanese Schools for the Deaf : The Results of 2008 Survey Including “Instruction for Acquiring Self-Consciousness” <Original Article>
PP. 41 - 51
Relationship among Factors of Learners, Kanji Characters and Kanji Writing Quiz in Children with Low Vision <Original Article>
Ujima Kazuhito Ichiki Kaoru
PP. 53 - 63
University Education on Inclusive Education Era : Class Provision with Active Participation of Persons Involved for Department of Education Student <Original Article>
PP. 65 - 75
The Practice in a Special Needs School to Support the Students with Intellectual Disabilities to Realize Properly Their Own Challenges : Through the Preparation for Internship Collaborating with External Resource <Original Article>
Sasaki Kentaro Tanaka Yasuko Noguchi Kazuhito Suzuki Toru
PP. 77 - 86
A Basic Study on the Development of a Computer-Based Program Teaching People with Autistic Disorders to Read Emotions from Vocal Expressions (3) <Material>
PP. 87 - 93
Understanding of the Causal Relationship in Typically Developing Children <Material>
PP. 95 - 99
Difficulties of Teaching and Learning English in the Japanese High-school Department of the School for the Deaf : A Review <Material>
PP. 101 - 111