中等教育研究紀要 70 号
2024-03-31 発行

公共空間における社会的合意形成を目指す社会科授業実践 : ポスト・ノーマル・サイエンス領域の論争を題材として

Teaching practice to build a social consensus on the issue of cell-based meat in Japan: Through discussing issues of post-normal science
河原 洸亮
1.41 MB
This practice proposes a way of “science communication” in social studies. In this class, the main question was a socially controversial issue addressed as an area of post-normal science. Through consensus meetings held among students, they regarded science and technology issues as civic problems and attempted to build consensus in the classroom. As a result, the students were able to create their own arguments regarding controversial issues. However, it is necessary to analyze and examine in detail the process of dialogue among students to determine whether “scientific communication” in the class was appropriate.