中等教育研究紀要 Issue 69
published_at 2023-03-31

中高接続を意識した中学校数学科学習指導についての考察 : 塩山の稜線の授業実践を通して

Teaching of Mathematics in Junior High Schools with an Awareness of the Junior High School-High School Connection: Through classroom practice on the ridge of Salt Mountains.
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This paper discusses the necessity of teaching mathematics in Junior High Schools with an awareness of the Junior High School-High School Connection.We have organized,analyzed,and discussed the practice of problem-based learning using the ridge of Salt Mountains.As a result,we found that the practice of approached the definition of the bisector of an angle and the parabola,which are the contents of the study of mathematics in High School.The students acquired new knowledge and concepts that connect the study of Junior High School-High School as they worked to solve the problem.In the future,we would like to consider using the ridge of Salt Mountains as a subject for lessons at each grade of Junior High School.