広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第一部, 学習開発関連領域 Issue 56
published_at 2007-12-28

1960年代米国における学問中心カリキュラム開発に関する一考察 : 音楽家に焦点をあてて

A Study of Trend in 1960's about Development of Discipline-Centered-Curriculum in U.S.A : Focus on the music
Imai Yasuharu
791 KB
This paper had two aims to clarify the problem concerning development of the curriculum of Music courses. The first was to illustrate the background of the reform of the curriculums focuses on Music courses in United States and Japan; especially investigate the records of the important symposiums and conferences which influenced on the reforeming of Music courses. The second was to examine the characteristics of developmental aspects of Music course. In the 1960's the structures and constructions of education whose productivity rate were not highly have begun to improve caused by the Sputnik 1957. In the field of natural sciences, the framework of discipline-centered-curriculum was concept which aimed to modernize the course structures of Mathematics, Sciences and Physics. The concept of discipline-centered-currichlum have introduced to Japan as "the reformation of curriculum", which influenced on evolving the construction of the theories of educational methodology, curriculum research and development. However, discipline centered curriculum have researched not only in natural scientific courses but also art courses in the United States.