広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第一部, 学習開発関連領域 Issue 52
published_at 2004-03-28

H. S. ブロウディの美的教育論に関する一考察

A study of H. S. Broudy's theory of aesthetic education
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The aim of this study is to examine critically the nature of Harry S. Broudy's theory of aesthetic education, which is contributed to the development of DBAE theory. This critical examination is taken regarding five topics. First, the influence of Broudy's theory on the development of curriculum theory in art education is identified. Second, the characteristics of Broudy's aesthetic education as part of value education are discussed. Third, Broudy's concept of aesthetic image is understood as critical to his theory of aesthetic education. Fourth, the structure of aesthetic experience is discussed. Fifth, the instructional strategies based on Broudy's theory of education are described. In conclusion, the meanings of Broudy's theory of aesthetic education to the development of Japanese art education are discussed based on the critique of the nature of his educational theory.
H. S. ブロウディ
H. S. Broudy
Aesthetic education