広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第一部, 学習開発関連領域 Issue 52
published_at 2004-03-28

説明的文章指導論の史的研究 IX : 『小学校学習指導要領』の考察を中心に

A Historical Study of the Theories and Practices of Expository Text Teaching IX : On the Elementary School Courses of Study of Japanese Language
Morita Nobuyoshi
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The aim of this paper is to explicate the characteristics and problems of the five Courses of Study published between 1958 and 1989. As a result of research, the following problems were brought to light: (1) The principle of "reading" are not established. The ma-.in concept of reading in the Courses of Study for elementary schools in Japan is "reading comprehension" called "Dokkai". In Japan creative or critical reading are not regarded as important. (2) The abilities and knowledge of reading expository text, and literature prescribed in the courses of study are intermixed. To improve the teaching of expository texts, these contents should be reorganized. (3) Cognitive abilities are disregarded. To develop a logical thinking, cognitive abilities should be taught methodically. (4) The structure of curriculum is not suitable to the teaching of reading expository text. It should be built as a spiral curriculum.
expository texts
Japanese langugage teaching
course of study