5 巻
1 号
2002-07-25 発行
PRINT ISSN : 1344-2996
ONLINE ISSN : 1344-7998
発行元 : 広島大学教育開発国際協力研究センター
Role of Japanese Colleges for Improving Science Education for International Cooperation
下條 隆嗣
PP. 1 - 10
Challenges for Improving the Quality of Basic Education in Poor Areas : An Empirical Analysis of Chile's P-900 Program
三輪 千明
PP. 31 - 45
A Study in the Theory and Practice of 'Khit Pen' Learning Concept in Thailand : Focusing on its Pluralistic Feature
永田 佳之
PP. 47 - 59
Japan's Education Cooperation and Roles of Universities : A Perspective from Japan Bank for International Cooperation
PP. 61 - 67
Role of Culture in International Cooperation of Mathmatics Education : Case of Mathmatics Education in Kenya <Reseach Notes>
PP. 69 - 82
A New Model of Technical Cooperation in Education : Illustration from the Mpumalanga Secondary Science Initiative Project in South Africa
長尾 眞文 又地 淳
PP. 83 - 100
Asia-Africa Cooperation and the Role of Japan : From the Case of Malaysia <Reseach Notes>
澤村 信英
PP. 101 - 107
Issues of In-service Teacher Education for Secondary Mathmatics Teachers in Republic of South Africa : From a Baseline Survey Conducted in Mpumalanga Province
服部 勝憲
PP. 109 - 123
Possibilities of International Cooperation in Education for Foreign Students : The Case of Japanese Associate Degree Program
高橋(杉村) 美紀
PP. 125 - 136
Current Status and Task of Nigerian Higher Education : Possibilities of International Cooperation Viewed from UNIBEN
米澤 彰純
PP. 137 - 150
Will Germany's Educational Aid Policies Change? : Views on "BMZ Special" by the Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development
松原 岳行
PP. 151 - 162