10 巻
2 号
2007-10-31 発行
PRINT ISSN : 1344-2996
ONLINE ISSN : 1344-7998
発行元 : 広島大学教育開発国際協力研究センター
A Study of Issues in the Education Sector of ‘Post Conflict' Afghanistan : A Case Study from Dokani, Bamyan Province
景平 義文 岡野 恭子 宮坂 靖子 内海 成治
PP. 1 - 13
Donor's Support to the Advocacy Capacity of Civil Society Organizations for EFA
三宅 隆史 伊藤 解子
PP. 15 - 28
EFA and Disabled Children : Problems and Possibilities of Inclusive Education
黒田 一雄
PP. 29 - 39
Educational Cooperation for Developing Countries by Special JOCV Scheme for Teachers
斉藤 泰雄
PP. 41 - 53
A Research on Drawing Instruction in the School of the Traditional Society : A Case Study in a Maasai's Nursery Class
中川 真帆 内海 成治
PP. 55 - 64
A Study on Effects of Study Abroad on Competency Development : A Case of Inconesian Government Officials Who have Studies in Japan <Reseach Notes>
PP. 65 - 79
Terminal Evaluation of Educational Cooperation Projects : Theoretical Foundation and Practical Issues
長尾 眞文
PP. 81 - 90
Universalizing Primary Education and the Improvement of Quality in Ethiopia : The Impact of Decentralization and International Assistance <Reseach Notes>
澤村 信英
PP. 91 - 102
Japanese Experience for Skills Development in Developing Countries : Rise and Fall of Vocational Education during the Post-war High Economic Growth in Japan
高柳 妙子 吉田 和浩
PP. 103 - 114
PP. 115 - 128
Gender Equality and Education for All in Vietnam : Result from the Vietnam Grade 5 Survey in 2001
齋藤 みを子
PP. 129 - 145
An Attempt to Make a Kanji Character - minority language - English Terminological Dictionary in Chemistry and Biochemistry : With Emphasis on Terminological Words Used in the Laboratory for Graduate Students from Afghanistan
梅澤 香代子 藤枝 修子
PP. 147 - 151
The EU Concept of Framework Building for Overseas Students in Chemistry and the Application to Afghanistan Female Science Education
藤枝 修子 森 義仁
PP. 153 - 157
Current Situation and Issues of Univeralizing Primary Education in the Islamic Area of Kenya : A Case of Lamu Island in Coast Province <Reports>
澤村 信英 内海 成治
PP. 159 - 173
Evalution of Para-formal Education System as a Way of Promoting Primary Ecucation : A Case Study of Pakistan
高柳 妙子
PP. 175 - 187