9 巻
2 号
2006-10-31 発行
PRINT ISSN : 1344-2996
ONLINE ISSN : 1344-7998
発行元 : 広島大学教育開発国際協力研究センター
A Study on the Effects of Improving Science and Mathematics Teaching for Secondary Education in the Developing Country : Results from the Cases in the Indonesian Mathematics and Science Teacher Education Project (IMSTEP)
小笠原 愛美 牟田 博光
PP. 1 - 14
Education Decentralization Policy and Local Education Administration in Post-Conflict Societies
小松 太郎
PP. 15 - 25
The Implications of "Small Schools" in Kenya : The Realities of a Non-Full Primary School in Maasai Land <Reseach Notes>
内海 成治 高橋 真央 澤村 信英 浅野 円香
PP. 27 - 36
An Exploration on the Political Economy of Educational Development in Developing Countries : Towards a Conceptual Model Building for “Indigenization" of Educational Development
廣里 恭史 林田 和則
PP. 37 - 49
The Role of Universities in Teaching Profession at Basic Schools
横関 祐見子
PP. 51 - 58
Analyses on Current Secondary Education in Lesotho : Demand Side Perspectives
小川 啓一 野村 真作
PP. 59 - 70
Education Sector's Response to HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa : The Case of Kenya
鹿嶋 友紀
PP. 71 - 84
Issues Facing Higher Education in Developing Countries : the Case of Brazil Focusing on Quality and Relevance
PP. 85 - 96
Examination-Oriented Schooling : The Realities of Primary Education in Kenya <Reseach Notes>
澤村 信英
PP. 97 - 111
The Concept of Measurement Errors in the Science Program for Afghanistan Female Education
藤枝 修子 森 義仁 井上 京子
PP. 113 - 117
Characteristics and Issues of Community Participatory Life-skill Education Projects by Japanese NGOs
伊藤 解子
PP. 119 - 130
Exploring Possibilities of International Education Cooperation through Collaboration between NGOs and Universities <Reports>
伊藤 解子 澤村 信英
PP. 131 - 147