Journal of international cooperation in education
Volume 18
Issue 1
Date of Issue:2015-10-31
current number
PRINT ISSN : 1344-2996
ONLINE ISSN : 1344-7998
Publisher : Center for the Study of International Cooperation in Education, Hiroshima University
特集論文 : 途上国の前期中等教育における学校改善実践に関する国際比較研究I
School improvement practice in Ugandan secondary schools : Case study
Ozawa Hiroaki
PP. 7 - 24
Free Secondary Education and Practice of Academic Improvement : A Case Study in Meru County, Kenya
Ohba Asayo
PP. 25 - 38
Preliminary Analysis of Challenges and Improvement Practices in Ghanaian Junior High Schools : A Comparative Study of High-and Low-performing Schools
Nishimuko Mikako Kwaah Christopher Yaw
PP. 39 - 51
School Improvement Policy and Practices after the Law on Residence in 2006 in Hanoi, Vietnam : A claudicatory comparison between urban-rural settings
Kusakabe Tatuya Chi Thanh Nguyen
PP. 53 - 62
Elementary Teacher Education in Maharashtra, India : Field-work at the district level
PP. 63 - 77
Research Note
Possibility of International Collaboration in Education by Student Groups Focus on the Practice of Education Support Groups for Laos
Inui Miki Kakehashi Honoka
PP. 79 - 90
Lesson Study Projects in Developing Countries Supported by JICA : Achievements and Challenges
Matachi Atsushi Kikuchi Ayumi
PP. 91 - 104
Quality of learning from a perspective of knowledge construction : A case study of Rwandan secondary physics lessons
Iwakuni Sawa
PP. 105 - 117
Religious Education in Schools : Japanese Experience
Saito Yasuo
PP. 119 - 134