9 巻
2011-03-20 発行
発行元 : 広島大学大学院教育学研究科附属心理臨床教育研究センター
Study on the problem of role-playing for learning counseling skill : research of university students studying to be school teachers
糸井 真帆 石田 弓
PP. 42 - 53
Relationship among resilience, self-esteem, depression, and coping
田中 千晶 兒玉 憲一
PP. 67 - 79
The relation among subjective well-being, social skills and quality of interpersonal interaction in adolescent friendships
徳永 美紗子 松下 姫歌
PP. 80 - 90
The relation between eating disorder tendency and ego identity in university students
日隈 友紀 兒玉 憲一
PP. 91 - 106
The relationship between the friendship function and the loneliness among university students
藤原 美聡 石田 弓
PP. 107 - 115
Relationship between recurrent dreams and ego identity
PP. 116 - 131
Review of clinical psychological studies on transference during psychotherapy
山村 崇尚 兒玉 憲一
PP. 132 - 147