4 巻
2005 発行
発行元 : 広島大学大学院教育学研究科附属心理臨床教育研究センター
PP. 32 - 35
PP. 38 - 42
PP. 60 - 63
PP. 64 - 77
The relation between existence of Significant Others and future time perspective of university students
比嘉 麻美子 高良 美樹 岡本 祐子
PP. 78 - 89
The relations between coping with illness and social support in university students
飯塚 暁子 箕口 雅博 兒玉 憲一
PP. 90 - 99
The process of mothers' mourning work following the death of a child
前盛 ひとみ 岡本 祐子
PP. 100 - 109
The relationship among caregiving burden, positive appraisal and social support in family caregivers of impaired elderly persons
澤田 梢 島津 明人 鈴木 伸一
PP. 110 - 117
The influences of parent's stress-coping style on child's coping strategies : in consideration of parental bonding style
田所 健児 笠井 仁 鈴木 伸一
PP. 118 - 129
The value of children, the tendency toward individualization, and life style in university students
豊田 史代 岡本 祐子
PP. 130 - 145