15 巻
2017-03-21 発行
発行元 : 広島大学大学院教育学研究科附属心理臨床教育研究センター
PP. 20 - 26
Examination of elementary and junior high school teachers’ children’s psychological experiences which parents occupation elicit: The factors that cause differences in children’s cognition towards mothers and mothers’ occupation
内田 早香 岡本 祐子
PP. 41 - 55
Self-expression and self-discovery of university students by reviewing photographs taken.
竹田 奈央 石田 弓
PP. 56 - 71
The relationship between family function and adaptation feeling to high school students: examination by Kinetic Family Drawing
奈須野 玲加 石田 弓
PP. 72 - 86
Research on help-seeking behavior and inhibiting to consult with others of the junior high school students: A literature review
増田 成美 吉岡 久美子 石田 弓
PP. 87 - 102