広島大学大学院心理臨床教育研究センター紀要 Volume 15
published_at 2017-03-21

高校生における家族機能と学校適応感の関連について : 動的家族画を用いた検討 <研究論文>

The relationship between family function and adaptation feeling to high school students: examination by Kinetic Family Drawing
Nasuno Reika
1.35 MB
In this study, we examined the relationship between family function and adaptability to high school of
high school students. In addition, we examined whether Kinetic Family Drawing (KFD) helps to
screen high school students who experience problems in family function. We conducted a
questionnaire survey and KFD for 172 high school students. The results of our examination showed a
positive correlation between family function and the high school adaptability of high school students.
Therefore, we conclude that high school students with better family function adapt better to high
school. In addition, the results highlighted some helpful indicators of KFD that can help screen high
school students who experience problems in family function. Through these indicators, we might be
able to assess high school students who experience problems in family function unconsciously.
Family function
Adaptation feeling
high school students
Kinetic Family Drawing