13 巻
2015-03-20 発行
発行元 : 広島大学大学院教育学研究科附属心理臨床教育研究センター
Examination of the learning actual condition of the observers in the role playing and the learning effect via the use of feedback after the role play : Investigation for the university teacher training course students <Research Article>
糸井 真帆 石田 弓
PP. 21 - 36
The cognition of Parents’ Marital Relationships and Adolescents’ resilience <Research Article>
内田 早紀奈 石田 弓
PP. 37 - 50
The relationship between dispositional forgiveness and justice : From the standpoint of moral development <Research Article>
末藤 尚代 岡本 祐子
PP. 51 - 64
Investigation for clinical applicability of "Makeup-Picture?" <Research Article>
高橋 可奈子 石田 弓
PP. 65 - 78
The relationship between coping flexibility and self-esteem in interpersonal stressful situations <Research Article>
濵井 智子 大塚 泰正
PP. 79 - 94
The relationship between attitude toward death and the sense of life’s value in adolescents <Research Article>
本郷 光 岡本 祐子
PP. 95 - 102
Relationship between Prayer and Mental Health <Research Article>
燒山 正嗣 岡本 祐子
PP. 103 - 113