広島大学大学院心理臨床教育研究センター紀要 13 巻
2015-03-20 発行

大学生の特性としての許しと公正感の関連 : 道徳性の発達の観点から <研究論文>

The relationship between dispositional forgiveness and justice : From the standpoint of moral development <Research Article>
末藤 尚代
390 KB
Forgiveness is known as a strategy to cope with interpersonal conflicts. And researches indicate that especially dispositional forgiveness is strongly related to human’s psychological health and well-being. The purpose of this research is to prove the relation of dispositional forgiveness and “fairness”, which is Kohlberg focused on in his theory of moral development of six stages. Nagy’s theory and some researches indicate that fairness is important in human’s psychological health. This research is enforced to university students, and marginal significance was indicated between fairness and dispositional forgiveness in total. However, no significant difference is observed between stages of moral development about dispositional forgiveness.
dispositional forgiveness
moral development