11 巻
2013-03-20 発行
発行元 : 広島大学大学院教育学研究科附属心理臨床教育研究センター
Can attitudes of students with little interest in dementia be changed by university classes?
荒井 佐和子 沖井 明 片山 禎夫 兒玉 憲一
PP. 33 - 38
A Study for Shapes of Pasteboard on Collage Expression : for University Students' Self-Understanding
石橋 茉奈 石田 弓
PP. 39 - 54
Investigation of the relationship between attachment style and social anxiety in the internal working model related to specific others
泉 玲 石田 弓
PP. 55 - 70
The relations between music activities and coping strategies in daily life of university students
小川 咲子 兒玉 憲一
PP. 71 - 85
Correation between rumination and reflection in self-focus, and self-efficacy, self-esteem and depression
関 博美 兒玉 憲一
PP. 86 - 96
The relation between self-disclosure to friends of three different levels of intimacy and affiliation motive in university students
武田 裕子 前田 健一 德岡 大 石田 弓
PP. 97 - 108
Relation between dependency and two aspects of self-consciousness : Focusing on dyadic relationships in adolescence
田宮 沙紀 岡本 祐子
PP. 109 - 124
College Students' Grief and Coping Strategies in Bereavement and Separation
中嶋 直美 兒玉 憲一
PP. 125 - 138
The Ettect of tactile stimulation in the vividness and the manner of experiences of imagery
日焼 里美 志和 資朗
PP. 139 - 148
The influence that a tendency to over-adaptation gives to a psychosocial tasks
星野 美欧 岡本 祐子
PP. 149 - 162