In this study, we focused on dyadic relationships in adolescence and examined the dependent appearance for significant other and the relation with two aspects of the self-consciousness. Two aspects of the self-consciousness are public self-consciousness and private self-consciousness. As a result of factor analysis,it was indicated that adolescents have mature and immature dependencies on significant others and dependent anxiety was observed regardless of the object of dependence. Furthermore, there was a positive correlation between dependence and public self-consciousness, as well as between an object orientation factor expressing an emotional approach to significant others and private self-consciousness. Participants (N=233, 115 man, 113 female) were divided into four groups according to the scores on the dependence scale. A one-factor analysis of variance was conducted with groups as the independent variable and public/private self-consciousness as the dependent variable. The results indicated significant differences between the groups in both types of self-consciousness. It is suggested that private self-consciousness develop through relationships with others and is necessary to build interdependent relationship with others.