広島大学大学院心理臨床教育研究センター紀要 11 巻
2013-03-20 発行

過剰適応傾向が心理社会的課題におよぼす影響 : 心理社会的課題の親密性に注目して <研究論文>

The influence that a tendency to over-adaptation gives to a psychosocial tasks
星野 美欧
7.31 MB
Some individuals are skilled at developing wholesome interpersonal relationships and they adjust well to society, whereas others display inadequate psychological adaptation that might be caused by trying too hard to develop good interpersonal relationships, which is known as over-adaptation. Over-adaptation is defined as "Obeying the demands and expectations of the environment to a degree close to perfection and working hard to meet the expectations and a demands of the situation, even to the extent of forcibly suppressing internal desires" (ishizu, 2006). The purpose of this research was to examine the influence of over-adaptation on intimacy, ini order to identify its effect on establishing close relationships. Undergraduates (N = 369; 123 men and 246 women) participated in the study. Results indicated that "Self inhibition" and "Self doubt" in over-adaptation had a positive influence on intimacy.
epigenetic schema