広島大学大学院心理臨床教育研究センター紀要 9 巻
2011-03-20 発行

大学生における友人関係機能と孤独感の関連 <研究論文>

The relationship between the friendship function and the loneliness among university students
藤原 美聡
871 KB
The purpose of this study was to reexamine the friendship function structure of university students with respect to the closest same-sex friend, and investigate the relations between the friendship function and the loneliness. Loneliness Scale by Ochiai (LSO) was used for the loneliness measurement. As a result, factor analysis revealed six factors in the friendship function scale. Also, a path analyse indicated that there were sex differences in the friendship function related to the closest same-sex friend (who exerts an influence with respect to 'feelings of loneliness leading to increased isolation'). Furthermore, there was no relation between the friendship function and 'feelings of loneliness inducing a sense of individuality'. These results suggested that the friendship function of university students with respect to the closest same-sex friend have the different influence on the subscales of the loneliness.
the friendship function
university students