広島大学大学院心理臨床教育研究センター紀要 9 巻
2011-03-20 発行

大学生におけるアイデンティティの確立と時間的展望 : TAT物語にみられる時間的統合の観点から <研究論文>

Construction of Identity and Time Perspective for College Students
佐藤 裕樹
1.39 MB
Past studies dealing with the effects of time perspective on identity construction have lacked a time integration point of view. This paper presents the effects from the perspective of college students and arrives at the following conclusions. (1) Achievement and diffusion status have intermixed both high and low time integration groups. (2) However, foreclosure status has a relatively high integration, whereas moratorium status has a low integration. The above conclusions suggest that for foreclosure and moratorium status, time integration is more important as compared to achievement and diffusion status. On the other hand, some problems are indicated on the scale with respect to categorizing four identity statuses. Finally, the paper discusses several suggestions for future studies.
identity construction
time perspective
time integration