7 巻
1984 発行
PRINT ISSN : 0386-3565
ONLINE ISSN : 2434-9135
発行元 : 広島大学平和センター
A study on peace principle of the constitution of Japan
栗野 鳳
PP. 1 - 21
The political awareness of Japanese youth
上野 裕久
PP. 23 - 53
The locus dimension of peace image : Case study of Japanese fictions
松尾 雅嗣
PP. 55 - 76
The nuclearization of language : Nuclear allergy as political metaphor
フック グレン D.
PP. 77 - 106
The status quo and problems of education for international understanding
永井 滋郎
PP. 107 - 130
Structures of current international conflict and 'Deconstruction' of peace-conflict theory : I : A third world perspective
佐藤 幸男
PP. 131 - 158
Problems of rural society under the policy of modernization of agriculture in China : On the developing farmers' household-based management and the agricultural economic association
小松 出
PP. 159 - 176
Social development and agricultural complex : Evolutional and ecological approach (3) Conditions of agricultural development
森 祐二
PP. 177 - 189
The alternative of a Filipino nationalist : The case of Renato Constantino
竹花 誠児
PP. 191 - 213