広島平和科学 Volume 36
published_at 2015-03

長崎の平和観 : 長崎平和宣言頻出単語の解析を通して

Concept of Peace in Nagasaki : Analysis of Nagasaki Peace Declaration
Matsuura Yoko
838 KB
The purpose of this paper is to explore the peace concepts in Nagasaki by analyzing “Nagasaki Peace Declarations”. First, we discuss the meaning components of a concept of peace in three dimensions: the substance or value dimension; the promoting factor dimension; and locus dimension.  

The results show: (1) The meaning components of the peace concept in the substance or value dimension come down to three further concepts; “nuclear abolition,” “absence of war,” and “relief for the atomic bomb survivors.” (2) The meaning components in the promoting factor dimension can be divided into seven groups; “atomic bomb experience,” “the Japanese government,” “the United Nations,” “treaty,” “nuclear states,” “countries” and “individual persons”. (3) Each promoting factor dimension corresponds with specified meaning components in the substance or value dimension. For example, Nagasaki Peace Declaration expects “the United Nations” to promote “nuclear abolition” and “absence of war.” (4) The concept of peace can be divided into two aspects; unchangeable and changeable aspects. (5) Unchangeable peace concept is the absence of war in the world and in the next generations. (6) The most important changeable components of the peace concepts are “nuclear abolition” and “relief for the Atomic Bomb Survivors” promoted by the Japanese government after 1980s.
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