広島平和科学 Volume 18
published_at 1995

フィールド調査に見られるタイ社会の内在的変容についての覚え書 <研究ノート>

Memoir on self-reliant change of Thai village <Research Note>
Takeuchi Johzen
783 KB
Until recently, it has not been popular for Thai intellectuals to have a interview to community people for identifying the characteristics and the change of common value system among traditional villagers. However, it is noteworthy that not a few NGOs were organized in the 1980s and some of them supported the activities of voluntary field surveys in the countryside and through these it became possible to notice the basic situation of Thai society. There stil remains the traditional understanding that the Thai industrialization is superficial and the gap between urban and rural areas are expanding rapidly, but these surveys succeeded in showing that numerous movements and changes have emerged even in the traditional rural areas since the 1980s. This short paper is to introduce some of them from the point of view of socio-economic analysis and also to introduce a few volunteer activities to translate them into Japanese.