広島大学生物生産学部紀要 18 巻 1 号
1979-07-16 発行


On the Fishes of Kojima Bay in the Seto Inland Sea
角田 俊平
876 KB
児島湾の魚類相を明らかにするために, 1976年9月から'77年9月までの約1年間,標本採集を行なった。すなわちこの期間中ほぼ隔月に1回の割りで計6回,各回とも湾内の3定点で小型底曳網を曳航して魚類を採集した。また湾内で操業されている桝網の中の特定の網2統を選定し,毎月1回その漁獲物を全て採集した。このようにして得られた魚類の標本の総個体数は11,292尾であって,39科62種に分類された。これら62種を採集個体数によって数量的に多い種,普通の種および少ない種の3グループに分けると,多い種は10種,普通の種は21種,そして少ない種は31種となる。さらにこれらの魚種について出現時期および採集個体数をもとに生態的な類型分けを行なって考察を加えた。

A study was carried out to clarify the fish fauna of Kojima Bay in the Seto Inland Sea. The samples of the fish were collected monthly by the two Masu-ami (a small set net) and every other month by the Kogata-sokobiki-ami (a small trawl net) from September in 1976 to September in '77. The number of fishes collected was 11,292. They were classified into 62 species belonging to 39 families. Their scientific name as well as their abundance were described with their Japanese common name, the month of their appearance in the Bay. On the basis of seasonal occurrence and abundance, those fishes of Kojima Bay can be divided into the following three ecological categories.
(1) Year-round "residents"
(2) Temporary "visitors"
(3) Infrequent of accidental "visitors"
It was assumed that 20 species belonged to the year-round "residents", 11 species the temporary "visitors" and 31 species the infrequent of accidental "visitors" amongst the 62 species collected in the Bay.