広島大学心理学研究 23 号
2024-03-31 発行

学校におけるメリトクラシーの信念とジェンダー不平等の認識 : Batruch et al. (2023) の追試

Belief in school meritocracy and the legitimization of gender inequality: A reexamination of Batruch et al. (2023) in Japan
三井 祐菜
佐藤 夏帆
中尾 茉莉那
萩野 珠菜
本田 結衣
627 KB
Batruch et al. (2023) discovered the relationship between belief in school meritocracy —the belief that academic success is solely based on merit— and the legitimization of social and economic inequality. Individuals holding strong beliefs in meritocracy tended to perceive less inequality in both educational institutions and society at large. In order to explore this relationship within the context of gender inequality in Japan, we conducted three studies. Studies 1 and 2 focused on establishing a correlation between belief in school meritocracy and the legitimization of gender inequality, while Study 3 aimed to manipulate belief in school meritocracy to examine its effect on perceptions of gender inequality. Interestingly, the results of Study 2 contradicted those of Study 3, leaving our findings inconclusive. We subsequently discussed potential avenues for future research in this area.
belief in school meritocracy
gender inequality
perception of discrimination
perception of privilege