Hiroshima Psychological Research
Issue 21
Date of Issue:2022-03-31
current number
PRINT ISSN : 1347-1619
ONLINE ISSN : 2759-0968
Publisher : Department of Psychology, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Hiroshima University
The harmful side of expressing thanks: Re-examining the Study 2 by Ksenofontov and Becker (2020)
Morinaga Yasuko Ideguchi Hiroko Shimomoto Yukiho Nasu Ikumi Masuda Momoka Murakami Natsumi
PP. 1 - 8
A study on the relationship between types of perfectionism and stress
Kanamori Yuki Ishida Yumi
PP. 9 - 28
Proposing a role model for critical thinking in interpersonal relationships: Possibility of application to critical thinking education
Yazawa Ayane Nakashima Kenichiro
PP. 29 - 41
Implicit gender role theories and gender system justification
Hua Xue Kiyosue Yuki Morinaga Yasuko
PP. 59 - 70
A Study of Mindfulness Intervention and Effectiveness in a Children's Home
Maeno Lynn Nakayama Eri Masuda Narumi Okada Honoka Jogan Kota Hanaoka Mai Shimomoto Yukiho Kamite Yuka
PP. 71 - 86
The Relationship between Role-play and Self-regulation: Review of the Literature and Future Directions
Fuji Shohei Sugimura Shinichiro
PP. 87 - 100
The effect of social activities on the psychological recovery of sexual violence survivors: A study based on an interview survey from the perspective of event centrality
Okada Honoka Masuda Narumi Jogan Kota Kamite Yuka
PP. 101 - 122
A Preliminary Examination for the Development of the Motivation of Conformity Scale: Beyond Normative and Informational Influences
Kane Soichi Nakashima Kenichiro Okada Ryo
PP. 123 - 138
The effects of parents' self-esteem on children's depression, autonomy, and career consciousness.: Focusing on the mediating effect of parenting behavior
Nishimura Yukiko Shimizu Haruka Nakashima Kenichiro
PP. 139 - 155
The impact of leader selection methods on followers’ expectations to leaders
Yamamoto Koichi Nakashima Kenichiro
PP. 157 - 172
Hiroshima Psychological Research No.21
Department of Psychology, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University
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