広島大学心理学研究 21 号
2022-03-31 発行

対人関係におけるクリティカルシンキングの役割モデルの提案 : クリティカルシンキング教育への応用可能性

Proposing a role model for critical thinking in interpersonal relationships: Possibility of application to critical thinking education
矢澤 順根
538 KB
In modern society, we are driven by the need to select the appropriate and necessary information from the vast amount available to us. Critical thinking is important for this, and its acquisition and dissemination through education are required. However, in Japan, critical thinking is often perceived negatively, and it is difficult to say that its acquisition is progressing. The purpose of this article to discuss the problems in the acquisition of critical thinking in Japan and propose solutions to them. First, we review the various concepts and processes of critical thinking, followed by a review of the approaches and practical studies of critical thinking education that have been proposed so far. Next, we discuss the social and interpersonal aspects of critical thinking as its new purposes. Finally, we suggest possible applications for education that could promote critical thinking in the future.
critical thinking
generic skills
interpersonal relationships
role model