広島大学大学院教育学研究科附属特別支援教育実践センター研究紀要 Issue 14
published_at 2016-03

「特別支援教室(仮称)」構想の動向 : インクルーシブ教育システムの構築・推進に向けて

The Trend of “the Special Needs Classroom (Tentative)” Initiative : Towards the Construction and Promotion of the Inclusive Education System
Matsutani Norie
Fukumoto Hiromi
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In 2014, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has come into force so that it was thought to be important to summarize the recent trends and movements of the “special needs classroom (tentative)” initiatives by reviewing the recent research studies and literatures that contribute to the construction and promotion of the inclusive education system. The purpose of the current study was to create the basic material to prepare for the future educational legal reform in special needs education by gathering the findings of the studies and literatures on the“ special needs classroom (tentative)” initiatives. The results, which were discussed from the viewpoint of the inclusive education system construction and promotion, suggested that it was important to give valuable supports for all students, including students who have disabilities 1) to provide the best practices based on students’ educational needs by building effective“ special needs education teams” and promoting collaborations between regular education and special needs education, and 2) to introduce environmental adjustment, accommodations, and modifications for the purpose of managing inclusive classrooms.
special needs education
inclusive education system
resource room
concept of the special needs classroom