Situation of special needs education and inclusive education in Japan was discussed relevant to build cohesive society. An idea of cohesive society was debated in the House of Councilors for 6 years from 1998 to settle social issues in Japan. It has passed 17 years, reviewing the current state of Japan, confronting the declining birthrate, super-aging society and enormous amount of debt, Japan seems to shift from grown-up society and regular society to reduction society which isn’t in our history. This is the cohesive society, would be the unprecedented outstanding obligation for our future. Reviewing internationally, education of children with disabilities in Japan is the system juxtaposed the regular education and special needs education, it is called multi track system different from one track system recommended by UN-CRPD (Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities). The situation of the Japanese special needs education was reviewed Britain’s standing, where has the same multi track system as Japan has. Cooperation to build cohesive society and a constant challenge of social from the various levels are necessary involving special needs education system and regular education system. Necessity aiming at inclusive education involving educational support for children who have socio-economic vulnerability in their home in addition to children with developmental disorders. Integration implemented in Osaka might give important suggestion for inclusive education in Japan.