広島大学附属三原学校園研究紀要 6 巻
2016-03-28 発行

中学校家庭科における幼児とのふれあい体験学習の効果 : 自分自身を見つめる指導のあり方を探る

A Study of the Effects of Experience of Learning to Interact With Young Children on Junior High School Students in Home Economics : Exploring a Way of Teaching About How Students Look at Themselves
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The purpose of this study explores a lesson practice and an evaluation to make junior high school students foster "a zest for living with others" and "a skill to live voluntarily'' based on the nature of home economics, and investigates ways of teaching and the validity of its effects. In home economics, students learned about young children, participated in hands-on learning to interact with young children regularly and in activities associated with lessons for hope. Additionally, students conducted a survey about their images of young children for one year, and then they were asked to give feedback to young children and take time to look back at themselves. Findings of this study reveal that students tended to look at their covert and overt behaviors objectively and become independent by reflecting on them for their future life. Therefore, this study concludes that this typed of evaluation stimulates students' learning motivations in hands-on learning interacting with young children.