広島大学附属三原学校園研究紀要 6 巻
2016-03-28 発行

5歳児から受ける影響を生かす教師のかかわりとは : 4歳児の製作活動を通して

A Study of Investigating Teachers Involvement in the Influence of Third Grade kindergarten children on Four-year-old Children
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This study aims to examine teachers' involvement with the influence of five-year-old children on the four-year-old children for their growth. This study was conducted as follows: (1) Four-year-old children were given chances to get involved with five-year-old children: (2) Records were kept when they got involved with five-year-old children and after it happened: (3) From the records, teacher's involvements were investigated: (4) whether the teacher's involvements made most use of influence of five-year-old children was examined. This study reveals following: (1) Teachers' four-year-old children got involved with five-year-old children: (2) They intentionally said what they want to be noticed: (3) They sympathized with the children who willingly played under the influence of five-year-old children: (4) They acted as go-between for four-year-old children and five-year-old children in order for four-year-old children to gain recognition and to have confidence in themselves.