広島大学附属三原学校園研究紀要 6 巻
2016-03-28 発行

生活科における磁石の教材化に関する考察 : 単元全体で磁石を扱う授業構成において

A Study about Using Magnet as a Material in Living Environment Studies : Structure of Classes that Use Magnets Through the Whole Lesson Unit.
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The aim of this study is to investigate what kind of wonder and interestingness children would find out from phenomenon that magnets cause and what features they would reveal through classes that consists of twofold activities; activities that children would play with magnet itself, and activities that children would play the games or make toys using magnets. The experimental class was conducted, and reflection cards and a questionnaire were distributed and collected. The children's findings about magnets were classified and categorized. The data of this unit and the unit that used magnets in a part of the unit were compared. The data before and after this unit were also compared. As a result, the use of magnets through the whole unit increased the range of children's wonder and interestingness inspired by phenomenon that those magnets cause. In addition to this, it was also reveal that children not only thought about features of those magnets but also connected those features and how they were used in the phenomenon.