広島大学附属三原学校園研究紀要 6 巻
2016-03-28 発行

食文化理解を育むための指導の在り方を探る : 第6学年「だしを味わおう」の実践を通して

Searching a Teaching Method to Develop Pupils' Understanding of Food Culture: Through a Unit "Let's Taste Dashi" in Sixth Year Home Economics Classes
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The purpose of this study was to develop a teaching content and method about Japanese traditional food and analyze the educational effects of the method. The target of this case study was the six graders of our elementary school with two topics: (a) dashi, Japanese soup stocks, and (b) zoni, a traditional soup with rice cake eaten on the New Year's Day. In the lesson, the pupils tasted dashi and realized its need for Japanese food, through comparing some dashi and sumashi-jiru (soup with salt and soy sauce). Moreover, studying, making and tasting zoni deepened pupils' learning about dashi, which motivated them to understand about zoni and to know their family recipes.