広島大学附属三原学校園研究紀要 6 巻
2016-03-28 発行

交流を通して語彙力を育む中学校国語科の授業づくり : 「何にでも値段をつける古道具屋のおじさんの詩」の読解を通して

A Study of Japanese Lesson Practice to Make Junior High School Students Foster Their Vocabulary Through Interactions With Classmates in Class : Reading of "a Poem by a Man Managing Thrift Shop Who Charges Anything"
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This study aims to examine a way of teaching Japanese to make junior high school students enrich their feelings for language and nurture their vocabulary through an individual or a small group analysis of word choices after reading a poem by a man managing thrift shop who charges anything. In this study, first, students were asked to read repeated expressions about two items, compare the two items and judge which one was more expensive. Then, this study implemented activities to make students deepen their understanding of their values. After that, this study tried to make students enrich their feelings for language, foster their vocabulary through interactions, exchanging their opinions in a small group and comparing their expressions with the writer's expressions. The findings reveal that students are more likely to become aware of things which are not noticed by themselves through comparisons with others. Therefore, students' feelings for language became enriched in this study.