広島大学附属三原学校園研究紀要 6 巻
2016-03-28 発行

小中連携を図るプロジェクト型外国語活動の単元開発 : 「英語による中学校説明会」の実践を通して

A Unit Development of Project-Type Foreign Language Activity Class Aiming for the Elementary Schools and Junior High Schools Collaboration : Through a Junior High School Orientation Session in English
米倉 智久
1.52 MB
The purpose of this study examines whether (a) the pupils who were to enter the junior high school became active learners and (b) were more interested in junior high school life, when provided a project-type unit Junior High School Orientation Session in English as a unit in the elementary school foreign language activity. Throughout this study, projects such as junior high school quiz and school map making seemed to expand the pupils' interests in the junior high school. The pupils who watched a video letter introducing club activities by junior high school students particularly developed a longing for being junior high school students and also for the foreign language activity in the elementary school. The results showed a smooth transition from the elementary school foreign language activity to the junior high school English class. In order to continue this unit, it should be meaningful and attractive for junior high school students as well as for pupils. Thus, implications of this study are discussed to propose the importance of collaboration between elementary and junior high school teachers in order to locate this unit into seventh year English curriculum and make the arrangement for this project.