中等教育研究紀要 Issue 70
published_at 2024-03-31

変革をもたらすコンピテンシーを育む家庭科の教材開発 : 豆は未来を救えるか

Development of Teaching Materials for Home Economics that Foster Transformational Competencies: Can Beans Save the Future?
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In this study, to consider the global issue of food crisis, we focused on beans that have been cultivated for approximately 10,000 years. Beans have supported human beings by providing food and have developed an effective home economics class model to foster competencies to bring about change by having students consider the transformation of natural ecosystems, environmental issues, food problems, and food sustainability. We developed and implemented a lesson model for home economics that is effective in fostering competencies to bring about change. Through a series of practices centering on “beans,” we believe that we were able to lay the foundation for developing highly versatile qualities and abilities.