中等教育研究紀要 Issue 66
published_at 2020-03-31

「錯視」や「だまし絵」指導におけるデジタル教材の開発(2) : 「わかりやすさ」に関する調査

The Development of Digital Materials for Teaching Optical Illusions(2): Survey on Ease of Understanding
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An overall structure for digital materials for teaching optical illusions was designed, making use of a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research awarded in fiscal year 2016. During the design process, trompe l’oeil, trick art, and other optical illusions for which a clear category had not previously been identified were classified and organized based on the viewer’s perspective and relationship to the optical illusion. The aim was to design digital materials that would introduce optical illusions and trompe l’oeil simply and allow students to sense their mysteriousness. In the case of optical illusions involving color or brightness, however, there was still concern over “dubiousness” with presentation on a computer screen, even if the images were of the same color or brightness.
This study examined ease of understanding with different presentation media used for teaching optical illusions and trompe l’oeil such as illustrations, actual items, and digital content. The results indicate that digital content is far superior to illustrations in promoting understanding of optical illusions and trompe l’oeil. It was also found that “dubiousness,” which was a matter of concern, can be reduced depending on the method of presentation.