広島大学大学院心理臨床教育研究センター紀要 8 巻
2010-03-20 発行

臨床描画法「化粧画」の考案と臨床的有用性の検討 : 青年期女性における自己愛的傾向と強迫的傾向との関連から

Contrivance of the clinical drawing "Make-up Picture" and investigation for clinical validity : From viewpoint of narcissistic tendency and obsessive tendency in adolescent woman
藤原 可奈子
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This research, as a technique for assessment of personality traits in adolescent women, investigated clinical validity by identifying relationships between characteristics in "Make-up Picture", and narcissistic and obsessive tendencies in the subjects.

As a result, "skin", "eyebrows", "eye make-up", "lips", and "cheeks" were chosen for standard portrayals of characteristics. We observed several incidences of "Blended Lip Color" and "Unique Characteristics - Eyes" in subjects who rated highly in "Self Assertiveness", a factor in "Narcissism". Therefore, this indicates that make-up images are a pictorial method facilitating the projection of narcissistic tendencies in adolescent women.
Make-up Picture
narcissistic tendency
obsessive tendency