広島大学大学院心理臨床教育研究センター紀要 Volume 8
published_at 2010-03-20

楽観性と特性不安, 自己効力感, 先延ばしとの関連

The relationships between optimistic tendency, trait anxiety, self-efficacy, and procrastination
Kodama Kenichi
380 KB
The purpose of this study was to examine the relations between optimistic tendency; life orientation and attiributional style, trait anxiety, self-efficacy, and procrastination among university students. Subjects were 281 college students; 130 male and 151 females.The revised Life Orientation (LOT-R), Optimistic Attributional Style Questionnaire (OASQ),STAI, Self-efficacy Scale(SES), General Procrastination Scale (GPS) were used for the measurement. The relations between the variables were analyzed by means of structural equation modeling (SEM). The results indicated that optimistic attributional style was correlated to life orientation. This result was consistent with the result of previous studies. We also found that life orientation and trait anxiety were related to self-efficacy, and the self-efficacy and optimistic attributional style have a direct effect on procrastination. These results suggested that optimism would lead to behavior modification, which would apply to the psychological intervention.
optimistic tendency
trait anxiety