中学教育 : 研究紀要 Volume 36
published_at 2004-03-31

英語科としての表現・コミュニケーション力の育成 : Chit-chat CardとEnglish Portfolioの実践を通して

Development of Ability of Self-expression and Communication in Education of English : Through the Practice of Chit-chat Card Activity and English Portfolio
Hagihara Emi
Yamaguchi Shigeo
894 KB
This study is related to development of students' ability of self-expression and communication. In education of English, we need to raise students' "basic knowledge of English", "knowledge of practical usage", "knowledge of life and culture of Japan and other countries", "interest and motivation for English and culture of other countries". We should also make students consider understanding of others. We introduce our practical study of "Chit-chat Card Activity" and "English Portfolio". "Chit-chat Card Activity" enhances students' "basic knowledge of English" and makes students consider understanding of others. "English Portfolio" develops students' "basic knowledge of English", "knowledge of practical usage", and "knowledge of life and culture of Japan and other countries".
ability of self-expression and communication
basic knowledge of English
knowledge of practical usage
knowledge of life and culture of Japan and other countries
interest and motivation for English and culture of other countries