中学教育 : 研究紀要 36 巻
2004-03-31 発行

表現・コミュニケーション力を高める体育の授業 : わかる・できるをめざすマット運動の授業を通して

P.E. Class to Enhance the Ability of Self-expression and Communication : Through the Class of Gymnastics on the Mat which Aims at the Students' Understanding and Accomplishmennt
今崎 英明
松田 泰定
1.24 MB
The purpose of this study is to clarify the model and the way in which we increase the students' ability of self-expression and communication through gymnastics on the mat. As the result, it is confirmed that the interaction between development of "the internal representation" and "awareness of others" is useful for increasing the ability of self-expression and communication.
ability of self-expression and communication
internal representation
awareness of others