初等教育カリキュラム研究 5 号
2017-03-31 発行

Pre-service Teacher Training Practices for Primary English Education in Japan <Practical Research>

日本の小学校英語教員養成のための教育実践 <実践論文>
Honda Katsuhisa
Takeuchi Takaaki
1.89 MB
When setting the standards for pre-service training for aspiring foreign language teachers, Japanese universities start by examining the current curriculum for foreign languages in relation to the Central Educational Committee's 2006 final report. However, many syllabi and standards fail to meet the quality assurance requirements for pre-service training for foreign language teachers. The purpose of this study is to introduce an innovative teaching practice in pre-service training and to suggest quality and ability changes for foreign language teachers. Discussions were held on how to meet the huge demand for making pre-service training compulsory in Japanese universities. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) publicized its latest policy, "English Education Reform Plan corresponding to Globalization," on December 13, 2013. The policy aims to enhance foreign language education substantially by strengthening English education in primary schools and advancing English education in lower/upper secondary schools. Given these discussions and the implementation of English education, some universities have restructured their course curricula to meet the Ministry's expectations; however, the reform is only partially complete. This paper commences with an overview of the current state of pre-service teacher training at Chiba University, Aichi University of Education, and Hiroshima University, and then provides examples of teaching practices focused on integrating the skills and knowledge that university students need. It concludes with a framework of pre-service teacher training practices for primary English education in Japan.
This work has been partly supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)(No.15H03496), the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
Teaching Practices in Pre-service Training
Primary English Education
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