広島大学心理学研究 Issue 23
published_at 2024-03-31


Literature Review on the Role of Religion in Mourning Work
Takahashi Kazuma
743 KB
After the bereavement of a loved one, religious beliefs have been suggested to provide mental support for the bereaved when attempting to find new hope for their lives through mourning work. However, limited research has been conducted in this field in Japan. Thus, this study reviews the existing literature on mourning work and religion and examines the usefulness and role of religion in mourning work. Furthermore, the study examined religion’s role in mourning work, which is common to previous studies, from three perspectives, namely, provider, mediator and supporter roles. As people engage in mourning work, although its aspects differ across generations and cultures, served as a place wherein they could express grief and provided cues for making meaning in bereavement (provider); and created bonds between the deceased and the bereaved, God and people, and people (mediator); religion clearly offered mental stability to the bereaved (supporter). While examining the similarities and differences in the role of religion across various generations and cultures was an achievement, further empirical research is also required.
mourning work
literature review