広島大学心理学研究 22 号
2023-03-31 発行

「無意識の偏見」が差別に対する評価に及ぼす影響 : Daumeyer et al.(2019)の追試

How does implicit bias attribution of discrimination affect perception of perpetrator responsibility?: Re-examining the findings of Daumeyer et al. (2019)
田端 さくら
長崎 未希子
久富 理織子
西澤 愛実
名護 暖乃
421 KB
Attributing discrimination to implicit bias or unconscious bias has become common worldwide. Daumeyer et al. (2019) stated that when discrimination is attributed to implicit (vs. explicit) bias, participants perceived less responsibility on the part of the perpetrator. They also found that individuals with higher internal motivation to respond without prejudice (IMS) assigned more blame to perpetrators for their discriminatory behavior. We conducted two studies (N = 319) using scenarios involving gender discrimination to re-examine Daumeyer et al.’s (2019) findings with Japanese samples. We found that Japanese participants were less supportive of punishing the perpetrator in the implicit bias condition than the explicit condition. Additionally, participants with higher IMS scores were more likely to assign greater responsibility to the perpetrator. Our results partly support the findings of Daumeyer et al. (2019). However, future research should be conducted using real-life incidents of discrimination attributed to unconscious bias in Japan.
implicit bias
unconscious bias
gender discrimination
perpetrator responsibility