The purpose of this study is to clarify how English learning at elementary school affects junior high school students’ academic achievement in English, and their attitudes towards English learning. First, the English tests scores of two groups (one that started learning English in the first grade and the other in the fifth grade) were analyzed by t-test, and no significant difference was detected. This indicates that quantity or duration of English learning at elementary school will not affect their achievement at junior high school. Second, three factors—instructors, writing activities, and “obi” learning (a 15-minute class on a daily basis and three classes counted as one)—were used, and the students’ English test scores were analyzed by ANOVA. The results suggest that “obi” learning improves students’ achievements during the 3 months after they enter junior high school, but its influence decreases after that. Third, the students’ attitudes to English learning were assessed by a questionnaire, and it suggests that students’ dislikes toward English learning and skills they feel difficult in the use of English are affected depending on the quality of English education that they received at elementary school.