広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第一部, 学習開発関連領域 Issue 67
published_at 2018-12-21

動機づけが自己調整学習方略を媒介して主体的な学習態度に及ぼす影響 : 内発的動機づけと同一化的動機づけに着目して

The Influence of Intrinsic and Identified Motivation on Active Class Attitude: Self-regulated learning strategies as mediators
Nakaoka Kimiko
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This study aimed to examine the influence of intrinsic and identified motivation on active class attitude, by mediating with self-regulated learning strategies (SRLS). A questionnaire survey was used to collect data on 133 university students. Path analysis was conducted, setting intrinsic and identified motivation as the first step, SRLS as the second step, and active class attitude as the third step. The results showed that both intrinsic and identified motivation had a positive effect on the motivational regulation strategy, which was one factor of SRLS. That strategy also showed a positive effect on active class attitude. Additionally, intrinsic motivation had a direct positive effect on active class attitude. Despite these findings, identified motivation had a direct negative effect on active class attitude. These results indicated that encouragement of a motivational regulation strategy is important for promoting an active class attitude.
intrinsic motivation
identified motivation
self-regulated learning strategy (SRLS)
active class attitude