広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第一部, 学習開発関連領域 Issue 50
published_at 2002-02-28


Esquisse for the Theory of Aesthetic or Kansei Education
637 KB
The term "Kansei Education" is originally from "aesthetic education." "Aesthetic" is usually translated into a Japanese word biteki, but we dare to use the word kans ei here. There is a tendency of transition in the academic discipline of aesthetics, that is, from aesthetics to the science of kansei behind the idea of this paper. W. Welsch indicates this tendency as from artistics(aesthetics of art) to the science of aisthesis, the original meaning of aesthetics. To sketch the field of kansei education, several topics were discussed: Welsch's criticism on F. Schiller's aesthetic education; a symposium on "the aesthetic and education" at the History of Educational Thoughts Forum; the problem of the politics of translation of culture; Kuwako's philosophy of kansei; and Yamaki's challenge to the reform of education from the viewpoint of art education. The field of kansei education is described as a topos of reconsideration on aesthetics, education, art and culture. New interpretation of classical texts in aesthetics, philosophy and education is very important task in the field of kansei education. However, at the same time, new styles of discourse should be created to show our sensibility of irritation toward the current institution of education.
Aesthetic Education