Memoirs of the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University. IV, Science reports
Volume 28
Date of Issue:2002-12
current number
ISSN : 1340-8364
Publisher : 広島大学総合科学部
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Comparison of the event-related potentials between REM sleep
高原 円 片岡 奈央 Nittono Hiroshi 堀 忠雄
PP. 1 - 11
Relationship between choice of timing process and temporal information memory in rats
Onoda Keiichi Sakata Shogo
PP. 13 - 20
Relations of nostalgia with music to emotional response and recall of autobiographical memory
Kobayashi Asami Iwanaga Makoto Seiwa Hidetoshi
PP. 21 - 28
PP. 29 - 33
Relationship between slope failure occurrence and precipitation in the areas affected by a strong motion of earthquake
Nishimura Masaru Kaibori Masahiro
PP. 35 - 47
Consideration of the natural factors in which the flow behavior of debris flows could be controlled
Frusawa Hideo Kaibori Masahiro
PP. 49 - 60
Rainfall properties in Setouchi region, Hiroshima ; rainfall time, seasonality and intensity
Onodera Shinichi 成岡 朋弘
PP. 61 - 68
Qualitative evaluation of surface water in Saijo basin, using the geographic information on 250m mesh map
竹井 務 Onodera Shinichi 成岡 朋弘 西宗 直之 齋藤 光代
PP. 69 - 75
NO_3^--N Flux of Streams in the Setouchi Region : Effects of Fruit-Farmland Area, Water Reservoir, and Alluvial Fan
Saito Mitsuyo Onodera Shin-ichi Takei Tsutomu Nishimune Naoyuki
PP. 77 - 84
Endangered plants in flora of Taishaku-kyo Gorge, Japan
兼子 伸吾 Nakagoshi Nobukazu 井鷺 裕司
PP. 85 - 107
The concept and usefulness of the regression-based score and its application: A new index, “the regression-based score (R-score)" to measure the relative size of the local statistics
PP. 109 - 126
A study of effects of disparity between support expectation and receipt in dyadic relationship
Nakamura Yoshiko
PP. 127 - 129
A study of the influence process of leader integrity on work morale of subordinates
Shi Guirong
PP. 131 - 135
A study of the relationship between support reciprocity and mental health : An examination from the viewpoint of intra- and interindividual development
Taniguchi Hirokazu
PP. 137 - 140
Organizing Actions of Neurosteroids Synthesized De Novo in the Cerebellar Purkinje Neuron
Sakamoto Hirotaka
PP. 141 - 144
線虫Caenorhabditis elegansの2種類のAAA族ペルオキシンの遺伝子pex-1とpex-6
Ghenea Simona
PP. 145 - 146
線虫Caenorhabditis elegansのペルオキシソームの同定とその独特な蛋白質について
Togo Summanuna Honesty
PP. 147 - 148
A Tefera Daniel
PP. 149 - 150
Physical properties in rare-earth intermetallic compounds (R =rare-earth,T = Ni,Cu)
Nakamori Yuko
PP. 151 - 153
Molecular weight dependence of equilibrium melting temperature and crystallization of stereoregular polymer of isotactic polypropylene
Yamada Koji
PP. 155 - 159
Neutron spin echo studies on effects of temperature and pressure on structural phase transitions and dynamics in complex fluids involving amphiphiles
Kawabata Youhei
PP. 161 - 163
Acoustics in impure liquid 3He
Ichikawa Takayuki
PP. 165 - 168
Kazi Moynul Huq
PP. 169 - 172
Biomass of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a wild plant community
Fujiyoshi Masaaki
PP. 173 - 176
Studies on sugars secreted from soybean root and their effect on root nodule bacteria (Bradyrhizobium japonicum)
Timotiwu Paul Benjamin
PP. 177 - 178
Mahaulpatha Tharaka
PP. 179 - 182
Mahaulpatha Dharshani
PP. 183 - 187
冷温帯落葉広葉樹林の土壌呼吸の動態 : 土壌呼吸における降雨と根の呼吸の季節的影響
Lee Mi-Sun
PP. 189 - 193
Sinogaya Jennifer
PP. 195 - 198
Chiwa Masaaki
PP. 199 - 201