1 号
2003-03 発行
ISSN : 1348-2645
発行元 : 広島大学大学院教育学研究科附属障害児教育実践センター
The Various Special Qualities of Ability and Character in Stuttering Children
早坂 菊子
PP. 1 - 5
A Research on the Relation among Three Aspects of Vision Ability of the Students with Partial Sight in Japanese Schools for the Blind
小林 秀之 三浦 直宏
PP. 7 - 12
Study on the Lesson of Japanese Language for Children with Hearing Impairments : On Practical Use of Verb
三浦 憲一
PP. 13 - 22
Role of Special Schools as Community Based Centers for Children with Special Educational Needs
岡本 英明
PP. 23 - 32
Study on Educational Supports from Special Classroom to Regular Class in a Junior High School : Through Jigsaw Learning Method
牛尾 浩美
PP. 33 - 41
Educational Support System within the School as One of Styles in Special Support Education
村田 清子
PP. 43 - 49
Educational Supports for Children with Learning Disabilities (LD) by a Support Teacher
森脇 泉
PP. 51 - 61
Unit for Learning through Experiences in a Special Class Room Placed Children with Various Types of Disabilities
高橋 幸子 高橋 かおり
PP. 63 - 74
Comparison between Comprehensive Licensure System of Special Support Education (Draft) in Japan and Licensure System of Special Education in U.S.A : Based on International Standard of Special Educators by Council of Exceptional Children (CEC)
落合 俊郎
PP. 75 - 83
Study on "The Interim Summary: Perspectives of Special Support Education"
落合 俊郎
PP. 85 - 96